Our uniform reflects the school colours and logo. We want all our pupils to feel proud and smart when they wear their school uniform. As from May 2022 our logo school uniform will be available from 'Justs clothing' https://www.justsclothing.co.uk
Other uniform items are also available widely at clothing stockists, supermarkets etc.
Uniform consists of the following:
- Maroon sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo
- Blue polo shirt with collar
- Grey skirt, trousers or shorts
- Grey, black or white plain coloured socks or tights
- We also offer an optional school fleece.
- Optional summer dress in blue gingham pattern
Reception children may wear black jogging bottoms or leggings with their uniform. This enables them to access the outdoor provision in Early Years more easily.
In Year 6 the pupils will need to be in full school uniform as above and later in the Academic Year we will offer the option of a Leavers Hoodie.
Black shoes with a sensible heel to ensure pupils’ safety. Fashion shoes are not considered appropriate footwear for school. Younger pupils are encouraged to wear shoes with velcro fasteners.
PE Kit Pupils come to school wearing their uniform on PE days. This ensures that we make the most effective use of learning time.
- Maroon shorts
- Blue t shirt for PE - logo tops are available
- Plain black trainers or pumps
- Plain black jogging bottoms or leggings - black. No logos
- School hoodie for PE
On PE days pupils should attend in their PE kit. This reduces the amount of time spent changing in school and ensures that our PE time is used effectively. On PE days all jewellery must be removed before attending school, including earrings.
Hairbands and bobbles – plain design and of plain colour - preferably blue or maroon. Hair should be tied back/up when reaching shoulder length. Children may also be asked to tie hair up if deemed a risk to an activity taking place e.g. science/PE.