Extra Curricular Enrichment Activities

Spring Term 2023

Extra curricular activities this term:

Rugby Tots Tuesday R, Y1, Y2 3.30-4.30

Jam Coding Y3,4,5,6

Multi skills – Y1 and 2 from 13th Jan Fridays


Football club Monday 3.30-4.30

Fantastic Book Club Y5 and 6 Mondays

Library – Thursday after school. All welcome to choose a new book. Open until 4pm

Y6 SATS Booster Club 


Autumn 2022

This half term we are able to offer the following clubs:

Tag rugby Y3-6

Tots Rugby - Y2

Library 3.30-4pm Thursday

Pro Soccer Football Y1-6 

Jam Coding Club Y3-6 Wednesdays


coming soon - Christmas Drama club Y3-6



Summer 2

Mad Science Club for Y3/4

Cricket club Y5 and 6

Football club - Wednesday - all year groups


Summer 1 Extra Curricular Activities

Library - 3.30-4pm Thursday for all pupils.

Football Club (all years) will restart later this half term - details will be posted soon.

Football Training - Y5/6 Monday after school

Cheerleading Club - Monday 3.30-4.30

Netball team - Mondays after school Y5/6

Coding Club Friday 3.30



Spring 2 2022 Update

We are pleased to be able to run mixed year extra curricular activities this half term.


Brilliant Book Club continues Friday 3.30-4.10 in the library for Y2 pupils

Target Sports' Club for Y5 and 6 will run on Mondays (from 21st February) 3.30-4.30

Football club will run Y1-Y6 Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm

Well Being Wednesday - Wednesday lunchtime for Y6 pupils in class

Library time 3.30-4pm Thursday for all pupils.


Happy New Year!

Unfortunately the increase in covid transmision means that we have to amend our extra curricular activities for this half term.

We will only be offering actvities to individual classes in order to minimise classes mixing. Hopefully this will only be until half term and we will keep the situation under review. At the current time we are able to offer:

Year 2 Book Club - Friday 3.30-4.15 in the school library.

Year 4 Well Being Wednesday - lunchtimes in class.

Y5 and 6 (alternate weeks) Fantastic Book Awards Reading group. Wednesday 3.30-4.15



Welcome back to the Autumn term 2021. It was lovely to see so many pupils taking part in football and basketball clubs last half term. Well done also to those pupils in Y5 who represented school in the Tag Rugby tournament.

This half term we are able to offer:

Friday lunchtime sports club - for YR and Y1 12.30 - 1pm Friday

Book Club - Fabulous Book Awards for Y5 and 6 in the library after school each Wednesday 3.30-4.15pm

Wellbeing Wednesdays - for Y3 this half term 12.20 - 12.50pm Wednesday.

Basketball club for Y3 and 4 will start in November. There are limited places available. 3.30-4.30pm Friday.

Tag Rugby Club for Y2 will start in November. 3.30-4.30pm Friday

Wheels Club - come and learn to ride your bike! - Year 1, 2 and 3 3.30 - 4.30pm Monday

Football club will re start in week 2 and is open to pupils from Y1-6 3.30-4.30pm Wednesday

Football team training and matches are held on Monday this half term 3.30 - 4.30pm.



Guitar and keyboard lessons are available by arrangement as an enrichment activity.