Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Mather

Mrs Gaskell

Welcome to our Year 6 class page

Our class teachers are Mrs. Mather and Mrs. Gaskell.

If you ever have any questions or concerns about your child, please contact us on [email protected] or [email protected].


Our theme this half-term is Legacy and our Big Question is 'What will our legacy at Penwortham Primary School be?'


Homework will be set on a Friday and is due in on a Thursday. All homework details are posted on the website (through the pupil login tab)and will consist of English, Maths or cross-curricular tasks/mini projects linked to our class learning. Alongside these, we would like all pupils to complete the Times Table Rockstar challenges.

Regular reading is strongly encouraged in Year 6. Take a look at a recommended list of 100 books to read in Year 5/6 in the documents section. Pupils may log onto the GoApps ( website and record their reading throughout the week.


Attached below are the Year 5/6 statutory spellings which we learn to spell and use continuously. In the documents below there are a selection of spelling strategies which we use in school to support your spelling learning at home.

Times Tables
In Year 6, it is essential that the children are now fluent in all of their times tables and corresponding division facts. Please encourage your child to maintain their times tables knowledge at home through using Times Table Rockstar.

The Maths Factor is a great tool for developing instant recall and identifying gaps in knowledge and have a look at these games, and

P.E. Days

Our P.E. days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure children come to school dressed in full PE kit on these days. 

Knowledge Organisers

In the downloads section below, you will find several knowledge organisers linked to the content covered in some of the subjects this term. These will give a little more insight and support yourselves and the children in learning and retaining key knowledge.

Water bottles

Just a reminder to send your child with a filled water bottle at the start of each day so thet they can have a drink of water as required throughout the day.

Files to Download

Year 6: Calendar items