Year 3 2023 - 2024

Miss Helliwell


Welcome to Year 3

Your class teacher is Mrs Helliwell.


Welcome to Summer term 2, our last term as year 3, we have a busy term planned with lots of exciting things as well as preparing for year 4.

This half term Mrs Vaja will be with us in the mornings. Mrs Kirkpatrick will be in class on a Wednesday morning.

Our PE days this half term will be Wednesday and Thursday.

We have our trip to Rock and River coming up, sports day and our Dance from the heart.

Our reading corner is coming to life thank you for your support and donations I will post some pictures once it is complete.

Mrs Helliwell.



We have learnt so much about Honey bee's with our visitor, Ethan today. We are looking forward to using all our new knowledge next half term.




We have started this half term off with an amazing trip to the Ribchester Roman Museum. We all had a wonderful time and are excited for all our learning!



We hope you liked your mother's day/special person cards...IMG_6605.JPG

This half term we will be exploring the question... Is nature stringer than nurture?

Please see the parent leaflet at the bottom of the page.

Keep checking our galleries as we go through the term to see what we have been up to!!


We are looking forward to lots of exciting days including...

World book day

Red Nose Day

Science Week

Keep a look out for photos!


Tuesday 16th January 2024

Wow what an amazing day we have had. Having snowball fights and learning all about the Stone Age, we even learnt how to spear our dinner!  Have a look at our Gallery to see what we got up to!


Files to Download

Year 3: Calendar items