'Happy Children Who Achieve'
To achieve our curriculum intent, we implement a carefully sequenced and coherent curriculum that ensures progression and depth of learning across all year groups. This is underpinned by the following principles:
Curriculum Design: Our curriculum is integrated and values driven, ensuring subjects are taught in a way that is linked meaningfully. Each topic promotes connections between different areas of learning and reflects the interests of our pupils.
Adaptive Teaching: Teachers utilise a range of teaching strategies to cater to diverse learning needs, ensuring all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), can access the curriculum effectively.
Assessment for Learning: Regular formative assessments inform teaching and learning, enabling immediate feedback and targeted support. Summative assessments are used to monitor progress against National Curriculum expectations.
Extracurricular Enrichment: We provide a variety of extracurricular activities, including clubs, trips, and community projects, that enhance the curriculum and provide pupils with opportunities to explore their interests and talents.
Parental Engagement: Actively involve parents in the learning process through workshops, newsletters, and feedback opportunities to create a strong home-school partnership.
Embedding School Values: Incorporate our school values of Aspire, Belong, Care, and Discover into lessons and school life, encouraging pupils to aspire to their best, feel a sense of belonging in the school community, care for one another, and discover their passions and potential.
The impact of our Whole School Curriculum is evident in the following ways:
Academic Achievement: Pupils demonstrate high levels of achievement across all subjects, with a significant percentage meeting or exceeding age-related expectations, as evidenced by standardised assessments and standardised data analysis.
Personal Development: Pupils exhibit strong personal, social, and emotional skills, demonstrated through their behaviour, engagement in learning, and participation in school life. They show respect for others and understand the importance of community, embodying our values of Care and Belong.
Lifelong Learners: Pupils leave our school with a love of learning and the skills necessary to navigate their future educational pathways and challenges. They demonstrate confidence and motivation in both academic and personal pursuits, embodying the value of Aspire.
Community Connections: Pupils develop a sense of belonging and responsibility within their local and wider communities and are actively involved in projects that promote social responsibility and civic engagement, reflecting our value of Care.
Discovery and Growth: Pupils show a keen interest in exploring new ideas and experiences, illustrating the value of Discover as they engage with various subjects and extracurricular activities.
Stakeholder Feedback: Positive feedback from parents, pupils, and governors regarding the richness and relevance of the curriculum reinforces its effectiveness. Regular surveys indicate a high level of satisfaction and support for the curriculum initiatives implemented.
In summary, the Whole School Curriculum at Penwortham Primary School is designed to holistically develop our pupils, ensuring they are well-prepared for their next educational steps and equipped with the skills they need to succeed in an ever-changing world.
Click here to see our Curriculum in action on our Facebook page
For more information about our school curriculum, please contact, Mr I Clegg (Curriculum Lead) 01772 743321