Our Curriculum Design
Curriculum Intent
At Penwortham Primary School we provide a broad and balanced curriculum, centered around each child and our whole school values. Our curriculum develops children to be successful individuals and responds to the changing needs in society. The curriculum, is tailored to meet the needs and interests of all our children and the wider community. It encompasses all the requirements of the National Curriculum and promotes the 5 British values of respect for the rule of law, individual liberty, democracy, and mutual respect for and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
Our aims are for each child to develop all the core values of our curriculum:
Aspire - We strive to enable each pupil to believe they can aspire to great heights and achieve remarkable success.
Belong- We ensure all pupils appreciate our similarities and differences which leads to a sense of belonging within a diverse team and thriving community.
Care - We create responsible children who have a growing understanding of care for themselves, others and our world.
Discover- We enable each pupil to discover and develop new knowledge, skills, abailities and opportuniities to unlock their potenital and be the best they can be.
Excellence- We expect all our children to be the best version of themselves in as aspects of school life and beyond.
We enhance our curriculum through enrichment opportunities further developing children's cultural capital.