


A scientist observes, questions, creates hypotheses, experiments, records data, and then analyses that data. All children can be scientists by following their own natural curiosity and at Penwortham Primary, teachers help to facilitate these skills in order for children to flourish as scientists. 

Science at Penwortham Primary school has been developed to provide stimulating and challenging experiences to help children secure and extend their curiosity, scientific knowledge and vocabulary.  

We have high expectations across the science curriculum. In order to fulfil these expectations we provide children with:

  • the opportunity to ask their own questions,
  • steer their own learning,
  • resources to further develop scientific enquiry (identifying and classifying, researching, observing, patterns and relationships, comparative and fair testing),
  • access to a broad curriculum which covers knowledge across biology, chemistry and physics. 

We believe that these opportunities will ensure that our children are confident, life-long learners who will explore the world around them. Even if children do not become scientists or engineers they will grow up in a world that requires scientific literacy and critical thinking skills. Science is all around us and helps children to make sense of the world. 

Science has particular links to 'My Personal Best' through the values of: curiosity, problem solving, reflection and communication.


Thank you so much for all your support for our Easter STEM activities - please have a look at all ourwonderful pupils STEM work in our gallery!


A huge thank you to all the staff and children involved in our British Science Week 2021.
It has been amazing to see so much quality science happening around school and at home.


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