Our School Library

Exciting News! Coming Soon!


Our school libary will re open after half term. We are opening the school library for borrowing every Thursday 3.30-4pm. The library is open to everyone. You can come along and browse the books, sit and read for a while under the reading tree and share recommendations with your friends. There are fiction and non fiction books available.

We will be investing in more library stock each term. This year we are enriching the range of readers we have in our class and school library to be inclusive and representative of everyone in our school, the wider world and our community. This half term we have brought in the 'Little People, Big Dreams' series of books to support our Diversity work in school. Class libraries will be exchanged and refreshed using the library stock so there will be new titles available each term.

Once the library is established we will also be opening a swap a book section for parents and carers - your reading is important too! Bring along a book you have enjoyed reading and take away one from the parent bookshelf !