Ofsted Reports

We are very proud of our achievements and the continued development of our school even in the challenging circumstances of the last two years. This would not have been possible without our determined staff team and Governing Body who have worked so hard during covid restrictions to ensure that our children continue to make good progress. It would also not have been possible without our wonderful children who have shown resilience, kindness and excellent behaviour throughout this time. The inspector noted that our children really do show that they are indeed 'Happy Children Who Achieve'.

There are, of course, areas for us to continue working on and these were already part of our school improvement plan. As a school we will continue to develop our curriculum, ensuring that all our pupils have an excellent curriculum offer.

Thank you for your continued support.

MP Letter of Congratulations January 2019 

Congratulatory letter received from the Minister of State for School
Nick Gibb MP DFE Letter December 2015



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