Reception 2023 - 2024

Mrs Upton


Welcome to Reception's Class Page!

Mrs.Upton is the Class Teacher and Miss Fishwick and Mrs Moncrief are the Teaching Assistants. 

This half term, our big question is 'Would you like to travel by land, sea or air?'. We will be learning about our big wide world and different ways to travel. We will also be planning a trip to the park for a Teddy Bear's Picnic!

Phonics and Early Maths are of vital importance  and will be taught daily.

We have access to outdoors as well as indoors daily, so please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for all weathers. 

PE is on a Monday and a Friday; please can you send your child in PE kit on these days.

Please ensure your child now brings their reading books to school every day so that we can read reglarly with them. We really need your support in helping them to progress so please write comments on Boom Reader to let us know how your child is reading at home and any difficulties they may be having. The powerpoint to support reading at home (titled Phonic Meeting) is attached at the bottom of this page.

Home learning will be set on a Friday and communicated through Seesaw.

Please make sure you have School Spider downloaded for communication, Seesaw for Learning Journeys and Boom Reader for online reading records. 

See below for link to the parent leaflet, with information about our learning this half term.

If you ever have any questions or queries, please email  [email protected] .


Information on the statutory Baseline Assessments, which will be completed in school in the first few weeks: 





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