Mental Health and Well-being

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Through our PSHE curriculum and in particuar over the last two years within our Bounce Back and Recovery Curriculum, we have focused on the importance of our mental health and well-being as well as our physical health. In addition to this we hold focus days during World Mental Health Day and Children's Mental Health Week.

On this page you will find advice and activities you can do with your child to support their mental health and well-being.


The link below takes you to the YOUNGMINDS website where you can answer 6 questions about your child to filter advice and resources which you may find useful.

Supporting Parents Helpfinder ( 

Our Well being Library

We have a range of books available to borrow to support good mental health and well being and to help our children understand themselves and others. This is just a small selection. Please ask in school if you feel we could help.


Files to Download